Copyright © 2000 Linksys, All Rights Reserved. Instant EtherFast is a registered trade-
mark of Linksys. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and brand names are the property of
their respective proprietors.
Linksys guarantees that every EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch is free from physical
defects in material and workmanship under normal use for FIVE years from the date of
purchase. If the product proves defective during this warranty period, call Linksys
Customer Support in order to obtain a Return Authorization number. BE SURE TO
returning a product, mark the Return Authorization number clearly on the outside of the
package and include your original proof of purchase. All customers located outside of
the United States of America and Canada shall be held responsible for shipping and
handling charges.
WARE, OR ITS DOCUMENTATION. Linksys makes no warranty or representation,
expressed, implied, or statutory, with respect to its products or the contents or use of
this documentation and all accompanying software, and specifically disclaims its quali-
ty, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. Linksys reserves
the right to revise or update its products, software, or documentation without obligation
to notify any individual or entity. Please direct all inquiries to:
Linksys P.O. Box 18558, Irvine, CA 92623.
Every EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch has been tested and found to comply with
the specifications for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre-
quency energy and, if not installed and used according to the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which is found by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment or device
• Connect the equipment to an outlet other than the receiver’s
• Consult a dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for assistance
10/100 Workgroup Switches
Your EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch
Your EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch
Congratulations on purchasing your new Linksys EtherFast 10/100
Workgroup Switch for your network's 10/100 migration needs. The EtherFast
10/100 Workgroup Switch is the easiest, most versatile way to boost your net-
work's performance while migrating to the speed and power of Fast Ethernet.
Unlike hubs that ration your network bandwidth and may slow down with
high data traffic, your Linksys Switch fuels each of your computers with full-
duplex transfer mode on top of dedicated bandwidth to unleash your network
Hardware Installation
Planning Your Network Layout
Installing Your Switch
Tips on Switching Your Network
About Fast Ethernet
History of Fast Ethernet
Switches versus Hubs
In migrating your network to Fast Ethernet’s 100Mbps speed, your new
Linksys 10/100 Workgroup Switch is ready to go to work for you immediate-
ly. Apply this switching power to your 10BaseT network, and your data traf-
fic efficiency improves several times over. Connect your file server to the
Switch's auto-sensing ports, and speed up access time for all your users in
just one move. And when you're ready, switch your way to full duplex speeds
of up to 200Mbps--the speed is yours!
Twisted-Pair Cabling
Crimping Your Own Network Cables
Contact/Warranty Information
Every Switch packs a complete suite of advanced data error detection fea-
tures for surefire communication every time. Auto partitioning and data-colli-
sion control ensure that not a single bit is lost during even the heaviest
moments of network traffic. Built to last, your new EtherFast 10/100
Workgroup Switch delivers optimal high-end video, gaming, multimedia,
database, and other speed-intensive applications at blazing speeds.
Instant EtherFast® Series
10/100 Workgroup Switches
Configuration A shows one possible way to set up an EtherFast Switch in a
Fast Ethernet environment. Note that the Switch requires UTP Category 5
network cabling for all its Fast Ethernet connections, like all Fast Ethernet
network hardware.
Hardware Installation
Planning Your Network Layout
Building a Fast Ethernet network involves more topology rules in addition to
the 10BaseT network rules. These rules specify distance limitations and
cabling specifications. Data loss, collisions, and other network problems
causing down time are likely to occur if the rules below are not followed.
All of the workstations below can access all resources on the network -
10Mbps users can access the 100Mbps nodes, and vice versa. While allowing
the 10Mbps and 100Mbps segments to communicate, the Switch optimizes
data traffic by switching the data packets to their destination through the
quickest route possible, which improves performance, even on the faster
100Mbps network segment.
• Use UTP Category 5 (EIA 568, Cat 5) Ethernet cabling with four pairs of
wires and RJ-45 tips for all Fast Ethernet connections.
• Use the chart below to position your switches, hubs and workstations.
Maximum Distance
Switch or Hub*
100 meters (328 feet) 1
5 meters (16.4 feet) 1
100 meters (328 feet) 1
Switch or Hub
Workstation 1
*Hub refers to any type of 100Mbps hub, including regular hubs and stackable hubs. A
10Mbps hub connected to another 10Mbps hub can span up to 100 meters (328 feet).
• No more than two hubs should be uplinked in a row in a Fast Ethernet net-
work. A set of stacked hubs, which must be stacked with a stacking cable,
counts as one hub or node on the network.
• In Fast Ethernet networks, your 10/100 Switch acts as a repeater, regenerat-
ing data signals before passing them on to the next device. Passive hubs do
not function as repeaters.
Configuration A
(EZXS16W shown)
Instant EtherFast® Series
10/100 Workgroup Switches
Powering On the Switch
Installing Your Switch
Plug in the Switch's AC power adapter. Each time your Switch powers up, it
will run a Diagnostic/Self-Test. After the test, the Power LED will light up.
As connections to the Switch’s LEDs are powered on, each port's correspon-
ding Link/Act LED will light up. The remaining LEDs will also light up
according to how your data is being transferred, e.g. full or half duplex,
10Mbps or 100Mbps.
Package Contents
Carefully remove your EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch from its packag-
ing. Make sure that you have received all of the items listed below. If any
items are missing or damaged, contact your Linksys dealer for replacement
If the Switch experiences excessive data collisions, verify that your network
cabling is securely crimped and installed properly.
Reading the Front Panel LEDs
• EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch (EZXS16W shown)
• AC Power Adapter
The chart below tells you what the front panel LEDs of the 10/100
Workgroup Switches mean. Each Switch has a Power LED on the left side to
indicate when the unit is ON.
• User Guide and Registration Card
Connecting Computers to Your Switch
Your Switch’s rear panel has either 5, 8, or 16 standard RJ-45 ports (depend-
ing on the model). Each port automatically detects the speed and duplex of
the attached cabling to a network card, switch, hub, etc. The ports operate in
either full or half duplex, which lets you run at speeds of 200Mbps,
100Mbps, 20Mbps or 10Mbps.
Each port on your Switch can connect to workstations, file servers, hubs,
repeaters, bridges, routers or other switches. Connections to the switch
require UTP Category 5 network cabling with RJ-45 tips, not to exceed 100
meters (328 feet) in length. See page 10 for more details on cabling.
Front Panel - EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch
To connect a computer directly to the switch, plug one end of the cable into
the switch, then plug the other end of the cable into the computer's network
(EZXS88W v2 shown)
LED Configuration Chart
Uplinking to Other Switches and Hubs
LED Status
Network Status
Connection is detected
EZXS55W v2 & EZXS88W v2 only:
Data is sending/receiving
Full duplex transfer mode
Port has data collision error
Half duplex transfer mode
If the Uplink port is in use (connected to another switch, etc.), the 10/100
Workgroup Switch’s port next to the Uplink port must remain empty and
unused. As with most switches, the 10/100 Workgroup Switch’s Uplink port
and the port adjacent to it are joined together inside the switch, and one can-
not be used while the other is in use.
EZXS16W only:
100 Mbps speed
10 Mbps speed
The 10/100 16-Port Switch is equipped with a crossover button (labeled
MDI/MDIX) that enables port 16 to be used as the switch’s uplink port. To
utilize the port’s uplink capability, the MDI/MDIX button must be depressed.
If the button is not depressed, port 16 will function as a normal 10/100 port.
Instant EtherFast® Series
10/100 Workgroup Switches
Tips on Switching Your Network
About Fast Ethernet
History of Fast Ethernet
Here are some of the ways your new EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch can
help you optimize your network speed.
• Speed up Nodes From Your 10BaseT Network
Standard Ethernet has been the most popular networking technology during
this past decade, with a maximum data throughput of 10Mbps. But the
Ethernet standard has fallen out of favor as today’s massive graphics, multi-
media, and other data-intensive applications have magnified the problem of
lagging network performance.
In a 10BaseT network, connect your hubs, file servers, and key users, such as
network administrators directly to your Switch to channel dedicated band-
width in full-duplex mode (if operating in full-duplex) to each station. The
Switch will have dedicated communication with all its connections simultane-
ously, whereas a hub can only communicate in half duplex transfer mode and
broadcasts information to all ports.
Fast Ethernet now dominates as the most viable and economical solution to
resolve the problem of network speed over all other market alternatives.
Capable of sending and receiving data at 100 Mbps, its bandwidth more than
accommodates even the most intensive real-time applications.
• Conserving Bandwidth with 10Mbps & 100Mbps Segments
10BaseT and 100BaseTX hardware are not readily compatible, but your
10/100 Switch can designate network segments of different speeds. This
allows you to run one 10Mbps segment to serve users without a need for con-
siderable speed, and a faster 100Mbps segment devoted to users who depend
heavily on graphics, multimedia, database, or other speed-intensive applica-
tions. With switched segmentation, your 100Mbps users will not be slowed
down by the users on the 10Mbps segment.
Also known as 100BaseTX, Fast Ethernet supports high speed signaling and
gives users an efficient and affordable solution for upgrading their present
network to the upcoming standard speed of 100Mbps. 100BaseTX data pack-
ets are transmitted over two pairs of UTP Category 5 cabling, just like the
10BaseT system. It uses identical data error control and management infor-
mation as 10BaseT transmissions as well.
• Run 10Mbps Peripherals in Your Fast Ethernet Network
Because Fast Ethernet is based on similar technology to standard Ethernet,
the issue of migrating from 10Mbps to the higher Fast Ethernet speed
requires virtually no effort with the right piece of equipment. All it takes is
your EtherFast 10/100 Workgroup Switch to coordinate your network hard-
ware, and you’re ready to run a top-notch system.
Most of the network peripherals in place today run at 10Mbps, since 10BaseT
has been the standard network speed to date. These peripherals, designed to
operate at 10Mbps, cannot readily communicate with 100BaseTX equipment.
A 10Mbps interface is also required for cable and DSL connections, which
are quickly becoming very popular ways to access the Internet. Your 10/100
Switch provides your 10BaseT equipment and cable and DSL lines with a
10Mbps interface while still running your Fast Ethernet devices at 100Mbps.
• Strengthen Data Transfers Through Signal Regeneration
Your Switch functions as a repeater, which regenerates data signals as they
pass through it. This feature acts as a safeguard to deter data loss and ensure
that transmissions arrive at their destination intact. Switches positioned
between hubs can preserve your data’s integrity and eliminate your need to
buy and use repeaters in your Fast Ethernet network.
Instant EtherFast®Series
10/100 Workgroup Switches
A network without a switch is called a shared network because every node
on the network competes for a fraction of the total bandwidth. In a shared
network, data packets are randomly broadcasted to all stations until they
discover their intended destination. Consequently, considerable time and
bandwidth is wasted on data packets swimming along network lines before
they find their correct address. A switch, on the other hand, looks at the
address for each data packet and delivers it directly to the correct destination.
Switches versus Hubs
Your EtherFast 10/100 Switch boosts your network performance several times
over, conserving your time, money and resources. The scalability of your
Switch, its full duplex data transfer and dedicated bandwidth all contribute to
maximizing efficiency in your Fast Ethernet network.
Your EtherFast 10/100 Switch’s auto-sensing feature gives you a key advan-
tage over other forms of networking by upgrading speed-critical network seg-
ments to 100Mbps while allowing existing 10BaseT networks to operate with
the Switch. Allowing 10BaseT and 100BaseTX hardware speeds to run
alongside each other eliminates the need to purchase new hardware, rewire
and reconfigure an entire site all at once. This scalability factor ensures that
Fast Ethernet will not fall obsolete to upgrades in speed standards and main-
tains use of all your old equipment until you decide to buy speedier replace-
Scalability allows you to budget for your networking needs over time.
Now networks can custom-run fast and slow segments at the same time for
different users and departments. Publishing, R&D, and accounting depart-
ments can enjoy 100Mbps transfer, while other corporate segments conserve
bandwidth by operating at slower, more economical 10Mbps speeds.
Switches also feature full-duplex data transfer, meaning that all computers
on the switch can “talk” to the switch at the same time. Plus, switches can
send and receive data simultaneously to all connections, whereas a hub can-
not. A hub simply works with one computer at a time and only sends or
receives data, since it cannot handle two way communication.
In addition to full duplex transfer, your 10/100 Workgroup Switch surges
your network with dedicated bandwidth to each node, devoting 100Mbps to
every device and multiplying your bandwidth for each added node. For
instance, if you connect sixteen computers to your EtherFast 10/100 Switch,
then each computer will get a dedicated bandwidth of 100Mbps at full duplex
transfer. If you run sixteen computers from a 100Mbps hub, then each com-
puter would only share a part of the 100Mbps bandwidth.
Instant EtherFast® Series
10/100 Workgroup Switches
Crimping Your Own Network Cables
Twisted-Pair Cabling
There are different grades, or categories, of twisted-pair cabling. Category 5
is the most reliable and is highly recommended. Category 3 is a good second
choice. Straight-through cables are used for connecting computers to a hub.
Crossover cables are used for connecting a hub to another hub (there is an
exception: some hubs have a built-in uplink port that is crossed internally,
which allows you to link or connect hubs together with a straight-through
cable instead).
You can buy pre-made Category 5
cabling, or cut and crimp your own.
Category 5 cables can be purchased
or crimped as either straight-through
or crossover cables. A Category 5
cable has 8 thin, color-coded wires
inside that run from one end of the
cable to the other. All 8 wires are
used. In a straight-through cable,
wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at one end of the
cable are also wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at
the other end. In a crossover cable,
the order of the wires change from
one end to the other: wire 1 becomes
3, and 2 becomes 6. See the diagrams
on the next page for
more detailed informa-
tion on straight-through
and crossover cabling.
To determine which wire is wire number 1, hold the
cable so that the end of the plastic RJ-45 tip (the part
that goes into a wall jack first) is facing away from you.
Face the clip down so that the copper side faces up (the
springy clip will now be parallel to the floor).When
looking down on the copper side, wire 1 will be on the
far left.
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